Helpful Links

1.  Website:
Description:  This website is a national advocacy organization that serves as a collective voice for promoting quality, daily physical education programs for America’s youth.  It has useful resources for teachers.  It also will help you attain a PEP grant.

2.  Website:
Description:  This is an award-winning website on the internet for physical educators, classroom teacher, and interested students and parents.  It provides developmentally appropriate games and activities for P.E. teachers.

3.  Website:
Description:  This is an educational organization that promotes and supports healthy lifestyles (American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance).  Provides members with resources and programs to help improve their programs.

4.  Website:
Description:  This website provides quality programs for physical educators, tips and resources for health-enhancing lifestyles.  It also has a weekly on-line newsletter that you can print out.

5.      Website:
Description:  This website would benefit students and teachers.  It will design an individualized meal plan for the individual.    This is the healthy nutrition website for teachers to lure their health students to for assignments and understanding of healthy eating.